Our Team

Graphic Designers / Web Designers

We are a small team working out of Rotorua, New Zealand. Claire Flynn leads the team as Director – as both a Graphic Designer and Web Designer. Fraser Mills heads the Web Development, and we have several local Designers (also Rotorua-based mothers) who help out as needed. Find out more about our core team below.

Claire Flynn

Director / Graphic Designer / Web Designer

Claire graduated with a Bachelor of Design with First Class Honours from Massey University in 2008.

Whilst working as a freelancer under Saucy Hot Design, Claire contracted to several design studios, gaining experience. After several years working for Rubble Design in Auckland, she bought that graphic and web design business, merging the two businesses (Rubble and Saucy Hot Design) into one. A few years contracting to Auckland Theatre Company was a highlight for Claire, before she relocated to Rotorua in 2015.

“It’s been great retaining trusted working relationships (with some clients it’s been more than 10 years).”

Claire loves the design side of her work, specially working with clients on new branding. She is also enjoys the technical side – designing websites to be both visually appealing and functional.

When not in front of the computer, Claire loves being a mother to 3 young children, gardening, orienteering and mountain biking.

“If you can’t get me on my phone I’m probably with my kids. Please send me an email instead and I will get back to you soon.”

How did Claire get here?

“As a young child I had a wonderful imagination. I loved to paint, draw, make cards for people and get creative with almost any material. However, during high-school I concentrated more on the academic side, enjoying the challenges that maths and science provided. After gaining my A Bursary, but not being sure of my career choice, I traveled extensively in Europe, competing in sport for NZ, making friends with all sorts of people from different countries, and gaining amazing life experiences.

At the end of my second lengthy stint in Europe, I realised that although I was interested in the sciences, I would prefer to incorporate my passion for the creative with a career. I have not regretted my choice for one second. I am so lucky to have a career doing something that I love, and which also allows me the flexibility to be a Mum at home as well.”

Fraser Mills

Fraser became interested in the web in the late 90s while studying at the University of Auckland. He went on to complete a Diploma of New Media Design and has been developing websites ever since.

In that time he has gained experience in everything from simple brochure websites through to content management systems, e-commerce and custom business applications. This has given him knowledge in the full spectrum of technologies, from the back-end web server and database through to the front-end design and interaction with the user.

Fraser has bases in Wanaka and Peru! He enjoys dealing with a range of clients and helping make the process of creating a website as easy as possible for them.

When he is not in front of a computer Fraser enjoys running in the mountains or orienteering.
